Kiosk User Screen

Step 1:

From the main screen, press "Start" to begin.

Step 2:

Swipe your credit card, then enter your zip code. A $30 hold is placed on your credit card and released at the end of the transaction.

If you have a coupon or discount to apply, enter it by pressing the "Promotional Code" button before swiping your credit card.

Step 3:

Make sure your material is organized, then press the "Begin" button. After a short countdown the shredder starts automatically.

Step 4:

Feed your material into the slot under the viewing window. Approximately 50 sheets of paper can be fed at a time and a stack of letter size paper will shred in about 1.5 seconds. So go ahead and feed as fast as you can.

If you need a break to get another box or stack ready, press the "Pause" button. The shredder stops and a 30 second countdown begins. If you need more time, the countdown can be reset to 30 seconds as many times as necessary.

When you are finished, press the "Done" button. The shredder stops and your credit card is processed for the amount used.

Step 5:

Finally, enter your email address to have a Receipt / Certificate of Destruction sent to you.